Two weeks ago, I wrote about how the proposed Microsoft – Yahoo merger wasn’t really dead, and how Microsoft would eventually come back to the table after stomping away from the negotiations like a spurned suitor. With Carl “the Matchmaker” Icahn pushing to get these two back together, now we hear a report from the Associated Press that "Microsoft Corp. says it is talking to Yahoo Inc. about a transaction that won't involve a full buyout." MSFT says it’s no longer trying to acquire YHOO, but that it "reserves the right to reconsider that alternative depending on future developments and discussions that may take place with Yahoo! or discussions with shareholders of Yahoo! or Microsoft or with other third parties."
Yeah, right! Mr. Softie is trying to snuggle up to Yahoo again, but I guess he’s a little bit shy after getting shot down in flames a few weeks ago. Rather than risk another humiliating public display of affection, Microsoft is now trying reverse psychology to win the heart of Yahoo. “Remember two weeks ago when I said I loved you? Well, I don’t really love you; now I just want to be friends. But I reserve the right to declare my love for you again in the future.”
This is pathetic. Microsoft, we all know that you’re in love with Yahoo. Just kiss already and get it over with!